Monday 11 March 2013

#AitchesonBrosLaunchDay - The Splintered Kingdom

What is #AitchesonBrosLaunchDay I hear you ask? My brother James Aitcheson, historical fiction author, is releasing his new paperback on March 14th - the same day as Slamjet Stadium hits the App Store!

The Splintered Kingdom is the follow-up to his debut novel, Sworn Sword, and follows Norman knight Tancred a Dinant through the turbulent years following the Battle of Hastings in 1066. 

You can get a flavour of what's in store by reading the first chapter for free from his website. 

The book is currently available in hardcover and on Kindle, and the paperback will be available from all good bookshops, supermarkets and online from March 14th.

So if you have a penchant for rip-roaring action or medieval history I seriously recommend you check out his work, because he's a fantastic writer!

Synopsis for The Splintered Kingdom

ENGLAND, 1070. Barely has the dust of rebellion settled when the Normans’ recently conquered realm is under siege once more. 
Ensconced in his newly-won lordship on the Welsh Marches, the proud and ambitious knight Tancred a Dinant battles the raiders who seek to plunder his lands. Renowned for his exploits, he has knights of his own to command and a manor of his own. But as the enemy stirs, his hard-fought gains are soon placed in peril. 
In the wilds that lie beyond the borderlands the Welsh are increasing in strength, bolstered by English rebels led by the feared Wild Eadric. Across the sea the long-awaited Danish invasion fleet prepares to set sail. In the north, meanwhile, Tancred’s sworn adversary, the dispossessed prince Eadgar, bides his time, gathering his forces for another bid for the crown and for England. 
And there are enemies closer to home: Norman barons envious of Tancred’s fame, who see him as a threat to their own power. Beset with rivals seeking to undermine him, and allies of suspect loyalty, Tancred is chosen to lead an expedition deep into Wales. His sternest challenge yet, it will be either his chance for glory, or his undoing.
The Splintered Kingdom is out in paperback from March 14th