Sunday 31 January 2010

A little about myself...

I suppose I should begin my first blog post with something dramatic and exciting, but I really can't think of anything so this will have to do!

So who is this evidently intriguing person whose thoughts you are reading? My name is Alistair, or Ali for short, I'm from the UK and I make video games. I also draw my own comics, and I'm in my final year of a Mathematics degree.

I decided to start up this blog to chronicle my game development goings-on, and my thoughts on the games medium as a whole. After I graduate my plan is to make my career in the games industry, so I'm working towards having a portfolio of great games to show off to developers... when I'm not studying, of course! I also enjoy sharing my progress on my projects with other people.

My current main project is a platformer engine programmed in XNA. At the moment it's called Sonic Forever, as it was originally intended for a Sonic the Hedgehog-style game, although what I'll eventually develop with it I'm still undecided on. I'm also heavily involved with the Warwick Game Design society at my university. We're working on a C++ project called Zombie Nation at the moment, and we also do 48-hour coding competitions each term. I'm very proud of a game called Shifty Trains which I developed with Bryan Gale, who now works for Playfish, so give that a go and see what you think.

I look forward to posting more and letting you know how my various projects develop!

All the best,