Friday 5 March 2010

Let the (48 hour) Games Begin!

Tonight sees the beginning of the Spring Term's 48-hour competition run by Warwick Game Design, running from 6pm tonight to 6pm on Sunday. This term's theme is Education, and I've teamed up with two other members of the society to make an awesome game.

WGD runs three of these competitions a year, one each academic term, and I've been taking part since way back in my first term at uni in 2006! Back two years ago I helped make the legendary Shifty Trains (legendary in that up until we got the Wii it was the only game my mum would play), and in Summer 2007 I did the 2D graphics for XNA game Kraken, both pictured here.

Each new competition is an exciting challenge and it typically brings out the most innovative (i.e. crazy) games from WGD members. I look forward to posting what my team comes up with, and keeping you posted on the progress of the competition!