Thursday 22 December 2011

Ludum Dare 22: "Alone"

This weekend I took part in the Ludum Dare 48-hour competition. The competition takes place three times a year, and tasks developers with the challenge of building a game, from scratch, on their own, in 48 hours. This year over 700 people entered, all developing games based on the selected theme: "Alone"

I took part, and made a game which is part match-em-up, and part strategy/RPG, which I called Omega Men. I also made a video diary of my experience, showing how the ideas and game evolved during the time period.

The game itself is playable here: Play OMEGA MEN
Feel free to leave your feedback here on the blog or on my Ludum Dare competition page!

I really enjoyed doing this, and it was a great way to try out some new ideas. This is something I plan to do a lot more of in the new year - it's a good way to generate fresh material after a year spent mostly on Greedy Bankers!