Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Tap! Magazine App of the Week!

The wonderful Tap! Magazine selected Greedy Bankers vs The World as their App of the Week.

It's my birthday today, so this is quite a nice present! I've included a screenshot below to preserve this lovely surprise.

“An excellent update to what was already a fine match game — recommended even if you own the original,” said Tap! Magazine, and gave it 4 stars.

"[The multiplayer mode] propels Greedy Bankers to the top of the iPad match-game heap. Let’s hope the dev doesn’t blow the cash on subprime credit."

I'll try not to!

Thanks very much, Tap! Incidentally, Tap! Magazine is well worth a read. There's an iPad-specific version which makes intelligent use of the interface, and it's full of well-written recommendations of apps, games and peripherals. Check it out!